
My 5th Grade Schedule

I am an organizer.  I love routine.  I love structure.  Creating my schedule and writing plans for my students is definitely something that makes me happy!  In fifth grade, we departmentalize, which sometimes makes this a challenge, though.  I try to go with the flow!
Here is a basic outline of our schedule {although it tends to change often}:
8:40 – 9:00 Students arrive and unpack.  While I complete lunch count, attendance, etc., the students work on their morning work.  Right now the students do Daily Language and Daily Geography each week.
9:00-10:20 I teach my first reading class of the day.  My students either go to their reading or math class.
10:20 – 11:10 I have my homeroom for Social Studies.
11:10 – 12:00 My students have P.E., Technology, Music, Library or Art at this time.
12:00 – 12:40 I teach Social Studies to the neighboring homeroom, while my students my go next door to Science.
12:40 – 1:20 Time for lunch and recess!  Every other day, I have recess duty.  We are so excited to finally be back outside after this brutal New England winter.
1:20 – 2:30 I have my second reading class of the day.  Again, my students go to their math or reading class at this time (the opposite of their morning class).
2:30 – 3:00 Writing with my homeroom students.
3:00 – 3:10 Dismissal
I hang our schedule up every day as a reminder for my students and myself.  If there are any changes to the schedule, I let my students know right away in the morning so that they can be prepared for the day.  This is a photo of our Wednesday schedule, which is very different from the rest of the week because my students get an extra special that day.  We call it Wacky Wednesday!
I’m pretty picky about my calendars and plan books, so I designed my own!  It’s exactly what I want and need to keep myself organized for the year.  You can even grab an editable copy in my store!
What does your schedule look like?


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