
Back to School Tips & Tricks #1

It’s that time of year again!  Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve loved back-to-school.  I don’t know if it’s the anticipation of seeing my friends, the excitement of learning new things or the thought of brand new school supplies.  But, to this day, I get super excited when August starts to roll around.
To celebrate, I’m going to share some of my tried and true, tips and tricks for the new school year.
The first tip is an idea that my sister shared with me last year.  She has her students create a summer brochure.  They choose something that had significance to them over the summer, whether it was a trip to Disney World or going to soccer camp or learning how to bake.  There are endless possibilities, but it is something that is special to them.
The brochure works for a variety of age levels and can be easily differentiated.  My sister uses it with her sixth and eighth graders, while I’ve used it in my fifth grade classroom.  Students could draw/write their brochure or they can type it up on the computer.  This could be a quick 45-minute activity or students could work on it for a few days.  It’s up to you!
You can grab this activity here!  It comes with teacher and student directions, as well as templates, graphic organizers, examples and rubrics.

Stay tuned for more back-to-school ideas!


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