Every April, we celebrate National Library Week. It is a time to honor libraries, librarians and to promote library use. And what better way to celebrate libraries than with books?? I pulled together my favorite books about the library.
I’m sharing all of these books on video as well! Check out the Books about the Library video on my Youtube channel.
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Books about the Library
Library Lion by Michelle Knudsen
Library Lion is a storybook tribute to a wonderful place. Miss Merriweather is very strict about the library rules. Then, one day, a lion walks into the library. But…there’s no rules about lions. He is allowed to stay because his big feet are quiet, he never roars and he makes a comfy backrest.
When something terrible happens at the library, the lion comes to the rescue! But, in doing so, he breaks some rules and he decides to leave. Read the story with your class to find out what happens next!
Planting Stories by Anika Aldemuy Denise
I shared about Planting Stories in my April Books post. This is a biography of New York City’s first Puerto Rican librarian. It celebrates everything she contributed as an amazing librarian!
Library Mouse by Daniel Kirk
Library Mouse is a part of a whole series of a mouse that lives in a library. Sam is a shy mouse, but he loves to write. He leaves his stories on the shelves of the library for students to read. One day, a student discovers him. Can the two of them work together on a project, without revealing Sam’s identity?
Check It Out! by Gail Gibbons
Check It Out! is a great non-fiction book about the library. It is an older book, but you could use it to compare and contrast how libraries have changed. It is a great conversation about all the ways that libraries can help us.
Check It Out! by Patricia Hubbell
Check It Out! is another book about libraries that celebrates how great a place they are. This one is a more simple version, which will appeal to younger students.
The Library by Sarah Stewart
I think The Library is my favorite book of this collection! Elizabeth doesn’t like dolls or skating, she loves to read! As she grows up, her book collection starts to get TOO big. Her bookshelves are collapsing and her front door has disappeared. Elizabeth’s solution? Donate all her books and her home to the town as a free public library. A great way to share her love of reading!
Biblioburro by Jeanette Winter
Luis Soriano is a Columbian schoolteacher and an avid reader. He shares books and his love of reading with kids in remote villages. His biblioburro program is a traveling library with donkeys. This is a marvelous book to promote reading and the need for books in rural areas.
What are your favorite books about libraries?