Mentor texts are great for teaching content areas, however, it is also wonderful to use books to teach rules in the classroom. Starting the year off by laying the groundwork for rules and expectations will make the rest of the year run so much smoother!
Why Use Books to Teach Rules?
“A story meets the child where {they are}. It sparks an authentic desire within {them} to do better, try harder…”
Sarah Mackenzie The Read-Aloud Family
Stories allow our students to practice experiences through the characters in their books. They watch as Lily learns her lesson about her purple, plastic purse. This is far more powerful than a lecture from an adult.
It’s important to teach rules and procedures during back-to-school time. However, picture books are also a great way to reinforce behaviors throughout the school year.
The following is a list of great books to teach rules in your classroom!
Listening Skills
- Lacey Walker, Non-Stop Talker
- Interrupting Chicken
- My Mouth is a Volcano
- Decibella and Her 6-Inch Voice

- The Recess Queen
- The Juice Box Bully
- Enemy Pie
- Each Kindness
- Chester Raccoon and the Big Bad Bully
- Stick and Stone
Showing Respect
- What If Everybody Did That?
- Do Unto Otters
- The Way I Act
- We Don’t Eat Our Classmates
- Spaghetti in a Hot Dog Bun
Following the Rules

Including Others

By using picture books to teach rules, we can connect with our students. They help us learn together through fictional characters. What other books have you used to teach rules and procedures in your class?
Looking for more great read-aloud ideas for your classroom? Check out this list of picture books for the whole year!