
Clark the Shark Teaches Social Cues

social cues with clark the shark

Students have all different personalities. Honestly, getting to know each one makes being a teacher so special! However, some personalities are much louder than others. While this can be okay on the playground or when cheering on a favorite team, students need to learn when it is not. Ultimately, students need to examine a situation when figuring out appropriate ways to behave. This is why Clark the Shark teaches social cues is an essential read aloud! Clark is ready to help students understand what social cues are and how to use them. 

social cues

Students and their families will be thankful for this book and Read Aloud Activities!

Clark the Shark

Author Bruce Hale and illustrator Guy Francis crafted the perfect way to help students understand social cues! 

Clark the Shark loves to celebrate and makes tons of noise. So, instead of walking into the classroom, he zooms in! He does the same when it is time to zoom out to recess! Honestly, Clark is loud wherever he goes. 

However, Clark’s rambunctious outlook is difficult for his friends to handle. Luckily, his teacher helps him understand when it is time for indoor voices and calm behavior. 

Clark the Shark is the perfect person to teach students about impulse control!

Read Aloud Activities 

When students come to school, they learn so much! This includes how to read, write, add, and subtract. However, it also includes gaining social awareness of various situations. For instance, students learn how to tell if a classmate is sad. Additionally, they learn the proper way to walk down the hallway. Honestly, so much learning goes on in schools! This is why Clark the Shark teaches social cues to all students! Students will gain more insight and practice learning to act and respond at different times. 

Since teachers have so much to prepare, there is a teacher guide to outline the entire unit. Specifically, this contains all of the lesson plans needed. Additionally, it includes an introduction to help prepare students and sets the purpose for the story. Likewise, it has essential vocabulary words! 

clark the shark

When learning how to use social cues, it is crucial to have a discussion. Therefore, there are higher-level thinking questions and talking points to guide student discussion. Each question includes a page number, so teachers know exactly where to stop. This allows students to understand how everyone is learning what social awareness is! 

While discussion is essential to include in lessons, personal reflection is also critical. Thankfully, Clark the Shark teaches social cues with both aspects! There is a written response and activity sheet to help students understand ways to include all classmates. There are even differentiated options to ensure every student knows the importance of this social skill

Furthermore, there is hands-on craftivity! Students will love how the craft connects the story to their lives.


Teachers work hard to ensure students understand how the material taught in the classroom relates to life outside of school. Therefore, there are task cards that provide scenarios or thought-provoking questions. This helps students understand how important it is to become aware of different social cues they will see at school and in the community. 

There are different ways to use the task cards. Honestly, they work great for whole class or small group discussions. They even work perfectly for individual work time. 

No Prep Resource 

Teachers have to handle so much. Thankfully, the Read Aloud Activities are all no prep! Teachers just need to print the resources. 

There is so much for students to learn in life. Between school standards, developing relationships, and helping others out, there are so many essential components to remember. Thankfully, Clark the Shark teaches social cues as a great way to help students respond in different situations. The story and Read Aloud Activities will ensure students know how to react appropriately no matter what is going on! 

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    social cues with clark the shark


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