Creating a connection between home and school has such a huge impact on a student’s education. One way that I go about this is having students share with their families what we are learning in the classroom through a series of hand-written letters.
The students then write a letter, detailing a few of the ideas that we brainstormed. Most students choose to write to a parent, but I allow them to write to an adult (or older sibling) that they will see over the weekend. In a few cases, I’ve had students write to a teacher or other staff member, if I know that there might not be a lot of support at home.
The students then bring their notebook home on Friday afternoon and I ask that the parents respond to their child’s letter. It’s a great remedy for the question, “what did you do in school today?” I also love seeing the interaction between the student and the parent. I make sure to put a note to the parents at the beginning of the notebook so that they know what to expect.
At the beginning of the year, my second-graders start off writing just 3 sentences and asking a question.
We eventually move on to writing multiple paragraphs! It’s a wonderful way to see their writing grow and develop.
If the students bring their journal back on Monday with a parent response (or at least a signature), they receive a sticker for the cover of their journal. By the end of the year, it has a nice decorative look and the parents have a special keepsake!
It is great practice writing letters and it is a great review of what we have learned together. You can grab the letter template for free here. I shared more info on Friday Journals in my Facebook Live video, which you can watch here.
Love this idea!! I think I will start it with this second marking period!
I'm so glad! My students love it (and so do I)!
Hal yang tidak pernah terbayankan kini jadi kenyataan kepada keluargaku,,,kusus untuk AKI SANTOJOYO kami ucapkan banyak terimakasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada aki. karena berkat bantuannya alhamdulillah keluarga kami bisa lepas dari hutang dan masalah, karena nomor “GAIB” untuk pasang togel, hasil ritual AKI SANTOJOYO memang benar-bener merubah nasib kami hanya sekejap,dan disitulah aku berkesempatan kumpulkan uang untuk buka usaha kembali,karena rumah juga sudah disita bank,,warung makan juga sudah bangkrut,,tapi itu semua aku masih tetap bertahan hidup dengan anak istriku,,walau cuma ngontrak tapi aku tetap bersabar dan akhirnya AKI SANTOJOYO lah yang bisa merubah nasib kami..maka dari itu AKI SANTOJOYO orang paling bersejarah di keluargaku…!!!jadi kepada teman-teman yang di lilit hutang dan ingin merubah nasib seperti saya silahkan hub AKI SANTOJOYO di nomor: 085211599919 atau silahkan KLIK DISINI dan dengan penuh harapan yakin dan percaya insya allah apa yang anda ingingkan pasti tercapai.
Oh I love the Friday journal idea! I think I'll start it this week!
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Terima kasih yang amat dalam kami ucapkan kepada MBAH SELONG yang
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Ritual/Goib Dari mbah yg sangat Jitu 100%dijamin
tembus…hingga keluarga kami sekarang merasa tenang
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dan saya sudah membuktikan 3kali berturut2 tembus terimah kasih