
Ten Ways to Get Students Excited About Books

How do I get students excited about books?

There are so many ways to get students excited about books! Here are just 10 ways to share just how wonderful reading can be!

1. Read aloud

Reading aloud to your students (at any age) is the most important thing you can do to encourage students to read more. Reading aloud, in itself, will build students’ interest in books.

2. Display books

Find ways to display a variety of books with the covers facing out. Studies show that books that are displayed this way are more appealing to readers. Put them on the ledge of your board. Or use display stands to prop the books up.

3. Status of the class

Status of the class offers all students the opportunity to briefly share what they are reading with their peers. Everyday, each student in the class shares a one-sentence summary of the book they read the night before.

It encourages students to read more simply because their classmates are picking up books every night.

4. Book raffles

Book raffles build excitement about brand new books in the classroom! Each time you pick up a new book for the library, raffle off the chance for students to be the very first one to read it.

5. New book releases

Build excitement for brand new books by keeping track of when they will be released. Keep a calendar on the front board or in the library. Then have students add to it when they hear of new releases from their favorite authors. It could even be a classroom job to update the calendar!

6. First chapter Fridays

First chapter Fridays will leave your students on the edge of their seats! Each week, choose one novel and read only the first chapter aloud. Your students will be eager to read more to find out what happens!

7. Keep the library fresh

As important as it is to add new books to your classroom library, it’s just as important to take books OUT. Crazy, right? However, it’s crucial that you keep your library fresh in order to entice your readers to visit it.

8. Share your books

What are you reading right now? Share with your students! Let them know that you are a reader too and that reading is not just something we do as a school assignment. It’s meant to be enjoyed!

  • participate in Status of the Class with your students
  • post your current read on a bulletin board
  • read books that your students recommend to you

9. Host a book pass

A book pass is a simplified version of a book tasting. During a book pass, students will browse through books that you have pulled out of the classroom library. They will then record any titles that might interest them.

This a unique way to introduce your class to new authors, genres and books. It also allows them them to preview books that might be getting overlooked.

10. Talk about books

Talk about books. Then talk about them some more. Then continue to talk about them! Let students know that you are excited about books that they are reading. Show them that you are a reader too. They will soon understand that reading books is not merely an assignment, but a way of life!


Are you craving the freedom to make read-alouds truly meaningful again, without the endless searching for perfect books and questions? The Colorful Apple Book Club was created by a teacher who gets it – because you deserve to feel confident, prepared, and excited about read-aloud time instead of rushed and overwhelmed. Join our community of teachers who are rediscovering their joy of teaching through the power of picture books.