You may have noticed by now that I like organization. A lot. Well, I thought I would share one of my newest tricks with you!
When I taught second grade, I used my student mailboxes as, well, mailboxes. This was the area where students picked up their homework and important papers each day. After I moved to fifth grade, I found that this process didn’t work quite as well. So I ended up with a giant mailbox display, but nothing to do with it. I then realized that there are so many other uses for it!
The mailboxes are perfect for organizing my papers that I have copied ahead of time for my students!
It is also a great way to store my classroom magazines (StoryWorks, Scholastic News, etc) by issue. I can also place any accompanying supplemental materials in the box with them.
Lastly (and I discovered this one by accident), some of our class Chromebooks fit in the boxes. This makes it easy for students to access, keeps them off the counter and easily plugged in to charge.
This definitely makes my organizational-heart very happy.