
Parent Teacher Conference Forms for Reading

Download the free parent teacher conference forms for reading.  A great way to learn about your students' reading habits in and out of the classroom!

It’s that time of year! As we enter into parent teacher conference season, it’s important for us to share our students’ reading information with parents. However, it can be really overwhelming when we start talking about fluency and reading levels. We hand them parent teacher conference forms, but that can be a little intimidating for parents.

Instead, we want to break it down to help them understand their child as a reader and what we can do together to help them improve. It is also important for us to know what the parents’ stance is on reading. This will allow us, as teachers, to help them help their child become a better reader.

Parent Teacher Conference Forms

So, I’ve created some different parent teacher conference forms for you to use. The first is a parent survey. How well do they think their child is doing. How do they view reading in their home.

Download the free parent teacher conference forms for reading.  A great way to learn about your students' reading habits in and out of the classroom!

The second is a student interest survey. It’s a quick questionnaire to determine how they feel about reading in general.

The final form is information you can share with parents on their child’s strengths, weaknesses, and what you can each do to help the student.

Want your own copy of these forms? Just enter your information below and I’ll send it your way!

Looking for more ways you can help parents with reading? Check out these tips for reading at home!

Download the free parent teacher conference forms for reading.  A great way to learn about your students' reading habits in and out of the classroom!


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