June is finally here and I’ve got some great read aloud books for you! Each one celebrates a fun and unique holiday during the month. Whether you are still in school during June (we are, here in New England!) or reading to kids at home, these picture books are a great place to start. So, here are my favorite read aloud books for June!
I’m sharing all of these books on video as well! Check out the Read Aloud Books for June on my Youtube channel.
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Read Aloud Books for June
Bicycle Day – June 3rd
A Bike Like Sergio’s is the perfect read aloud for Bicycle Day! In this story, we learn that it can be hard to do the right thing. Ruben feels like the only kid without a bike. His birthday is coming, so his friend Sergio tells him to ask for a bike. But birthday gifts for Ruben and Sergio look different. Ruben’s family doesn’t have as much money.
When Ruben sees a dollar bill fall out of a woman’s purse, he keeps it. He then realizes that it wasn’t a $1 bill…it was a $100 bill! We follow along as the main character deals with a lot of uneasy feelings before doing what he thinks is right.

National Best Friends Day – June 8th
Friends who stick up for each other rock! National Best Friends Day is on June 8th, so I picked out Stick and Stone as a read aloud for this day. Stick and Stone are both lonely and sad by themselves. Then Stick rescues Stone from a prickly situation with a pinecone. They become best friends! But can Stone return the favor and help Stick when he needs it?

World Oceans Day – June 8th
Also on June 8th is World Oceans Day. The Brilliant Deep is a powerful read aloud to share on this day. This book shares the ongoing efforts to save and rebuild the world’s coral reefs. It is the true story of coral restoration pioneer, Ken Nedimyer. Your students will learn that all it takes is one person to change the world. A great read aloud book for June 8th!

Flag Day – June 14th
On June 14th, we celebrate the American flag and all it stands for. The Flag We Love is a simple, but informative book. It is full of beautiful illustrations and rhyming poems throughout. This book shares the history of our flag and how we honor it.

Juneteenth – June 19th
All Different Now is a celebration of the day that freedom came to slaves in the South. It is a short, quiet story with a powerful message of the importance of Juneteenth. The book is an artistic interpretation with emotional words and illustrations. All Different Now includes notes from the author and illustrator, as well as a timeline of important dates and glossary of terms.

First Day of Summer – June 21st
The first day of summer is always a cause for celebration! And Then Comes Summer is an ode to this wonderful season. It shares all the fun things that the warm weather brings. A great read aloud book for June!

Helen Keller Day – June 27th
I am Helen Keller is an easy and engaging book for kids. Brad Meltzer’s books are a great starting point for biographies for students. This story of Helen Keller includes a Braille alphabet, as well as a timeline of events of her life.

Hug Day – June 29th
On Hug Day, we celebrate giving hugs! But…what if people don’t like hugs? That is important to think about too. That’s why I chose Don’t Hug Doug for a June 29th read aloud book. In this story, we learn that some people love hugs, but lots of people don’t and that lots are somewhere int he middle. Doug explains that it is important to ask permission before giving someone a hug. Everyone should get the chance to decide if they want a hug or not!
Grab the Interactive Read Aloud for Don’t Hug Doug!
Pride Month
June is Pride Month! One book I chose to celebrate is This Day in June. This book welcomes readers to experience a Pride celebration. It is an excellent tool for teaching respect, acceptance and understanding of the LGBTQIA+ community.

The short, poetic lyrics and detailed illustrations are sure to pull students in. This Day in June has lots of back matter describing the meaning or history of each image in the book. It also includes a guide to talking with children about LGBTQ topics. Check out these other Pride Month Books!
What are some of your favorite read aloud books for June?
Check out these End of the Year Books to read aloud in your classroom too!

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