It’s around that time of year when everyone needs a pick-me-up! What better way to do it than with a Spirit Week at school? My students get a kick out of this every year and we try to switch it up so that we have a variety of themes.
1. Crazy Sock Day
2. Dress Like a Book Character Day
This is a fun one for Reading Week! Have students choose their favorite book character and dress just like that character. As an added bonus, have students guess each other’s outfits!
3. Career Day
Kids can dress up as the job they hope to have when they grow up. They could be a teacher, a chef, an astronaut, the president!
4. Word on Your Shirt Day
Have kids pick their favorite shirt that has words on it. This is another great one for Reading Week! It could be a shirt from a place they visited on vacation or their favorite sports team or they could make their own!
5. Superhero Day
Students dress up as their favorite superhero! Be sure to set ground rules when it comes to masks and accessories, however.
6. Twin Day
Have kids dress up like a friend! Wear similar clothes, shoes and even do their hair in the same style. Be sure to allow students to dress up as triplets or even quadruplets, so that no one feels left out. Oftentimes, students will wear matching sports uniforms or just similar colors.
7. Crazy Hair Day
Kids get really creative with this one! Have students style their hair in the silliest way they can.

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