It’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for…the Calendar Notebook is ready for the 2015-2016 school year! If you purchased it last year, all you need to do is head over to my store and re-download it {for FREE}!
A few summers ago, I thought about something that didn’t work quite right for me. I have blogged in the past about my Hold-It-All Notebook. Learn more about it here.
I bring it to all my school-related meetings to take notes. The only downfall was that it didn’t have a calendar in it. I always had to bring a separate calendar book with me. We have our meetings in what is probably the smallest room in the school. There’s not a lot of space for extras!
So I thought, why not create my own calendar/notebook? Then everything is in one place! And the best part? I got to customize it and use my favorite colors and designs!
The first page is an overlook of the whole {school} year. It is July 2015 – June 2016.
Each month has a 2-page calendar. Every day has lines – I must have lines! My newest update includes a calendar without lines since not everyone needs them like me.
The last set of pages are all for notes! I will probably tab the pages similar to the picture above. It will make it easier to access the notes I need for each meeting. I just printed as many notes pages as I thought I needed and I was good to go!
I made one for my resource teacher as well! I took them to Staples to have them spiral bound, which only cost me about $3-$4 each! Wayy cheaper than a store-bought calendar.
The girl who bound the calendars at Staples even said to me, “Oh did you buy those online? They are so cute!” I very proudly responded that I had made them myself!
Just to clarify, I use the Calendar Notebook only for my meetings. It is not my teacher planner. There are some wonderful bloggers out there who make more intricate, detailed planners. Be sure to check them out! I needed something that was very simple and basic. I hope you like it!