A few weeks ago, I passed out my students first set of spelling words. {we use Ladybugs Teacher Files Morphology Dictionary, which is awesome!} For homework, they were to look up the definitions of their words and write a meaningful sentence. I really stressed that meaningful sentence part.
On Friday, I collected their homework and checked out their sentences. They mostly consisted of:
- I read a biography.
- I like animals.
- That is vivid.
And they filled out their own tips and tricks sheet to keep in their homework folder:
I shared some examples of meaningful sentences with them and they worked with a partner to create their own. Then for homework, they received this page where they write their word, the definition and a meaningful sentence.
Let me tell you, it made a HUGE difference! My students are giving me such awesome sentences that I now use them as their spelling test sentences. They get a big kick out of hearing me share their work!
You can grab my Writing Meaningful Sentences set for free in my store!