1. This is how Wednesday started. Coffee. All. Over. The. Floor. And not in my cup. I was walking out the door and dropped it – not cool! Luckily I did not get any on me. Seriously, don’t know how that happened.
2. I went to a state testing training this week. As a second grade teacher, I didn’t have to administer state tests. Now as a fifth grade teacher, I do. I got to sit at the training between my principal and my dad! How cool is that?
3. After a super busy back to school season, I finally have time to create again! Made some posters for my classroom last weekend. I’ll explain more soon!
4. One of my fifth graders gave me an apple! They won’t tell me who though! Either that or they just left it on my desk and forgot about it…
5. It’s fall! Ok, it’s not. But it’s September and that’s close enough. I’ve broken out my fall-scents and I am super excited about it!
And here’s just one more….
What a cute blog! And your little fur baby looks like mine! I have a Yorkie named Oliver who misses me desperately when I'm at school! Aren't they the best to come home to?
Welcome to upper elementary! I taught fifth grade for three years. Now, I teach fourth and love it just as much.
Thank you for the giveaway! I would have to buy some more of their bright colored baskets or bins if I win the gift card. I just love them!
Fit to be Fourth
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Baskets, name tags, and the list goes on…… :o)
[email protected]
I NEED book baskets. I just got a DonorsChoose project consisting of books and I need more organization!
I love their baskets and bins. I would probably also look at their 100th day items!
I really need some organizational help! Bins, baskets, you name it.
[email protected]
I would buy anything and everything organization…I love organization but right now it's lacking in my room 🙁
Bins– Labels– too many things to list!!
Lucky! (Said no one ever but I'm kinda serious!) They train you on the state testing? I just moved from Kindergarten to 3/4 and I'm really worried about the state test, already! I don't think I get any training on it. :/
Alexis at Laugh, Eat & Learn
Your puppy is so cute!! He looks just like our neighbor, Milo, who my Saint Bernard thinks is really groovy (they sure look funny together)! Anyway, I would get anything that would help me organize from RGS! They have the best stuff!
I love Really Good Stuff. I would buy more baskets and bins to try to corral all the papers in my room!
I love seeing pics of your furbaby! I am such a yorkie lover! If I won a GC to RGS, I would probably buy book bins for my students. I say probably because I love everything from RGS! They are always discovering new and intriguing ways to hold stuff! LOL!
Teaching With Love and Laughter
[email protected]
Oh, gosh! What wouldn't I get? I love organizational stuff. My kitchen floor looked like that just a few minutes ago — coffee pot disaster! Ugh!
Literacy Spark
OMG! My yorkiepoo does the same thing-can't just be next to me-on me is better!If I win, I would definitely get some more book boxes-some of mine are breaking after 4 years of use.
[email protected]
Your puppy is so cute Sara! I would buy some pencil baskets and new book bins, my room needs some serious organizing!! 🙂
Fashion Craze Learning Days
I would buy some new bags to send home baggie books in. This sure would be great to win! Thanks so much!
[email protected]
I am not sure what I would buy. I've never heard of Really Good Stuff.
Learning and Teaching for Life
Wow! If I won this gift card I would stock up on fun pointers for my kids and some more dry erase sleeves.
Polka Dot Kinders
Oh man! If I won I'd get more of RGS's awesome neon baskets and containers to further organize my classroom!! Congrats on the new blog-it's adorable!
I would get some book baskets and organizers! Congrats on the new blog!
I LOVE Really Good Stuff! I was looking through their catalog literally just yesterday! I'd buy some literacy activities and organizational baskets/containers.
Apple Blossoms
I love their book boxes!
Teaching in the Valley
Anything to organize my library. :)and perhaps some pocket charts 🙂
My Second Sense
I need borders and nameplates! I ordered some and hate them and the teacher store in my city just closed and the closest is an hour away! [email protected]
Can't resist Really Good Stuff!! I always find great deals and could use some book boxes.
Learning in the Little Apple
Hey Sara!! I love your new blog and am pysched we are teaching the same grade level! Thank you so much for this opportunity…knowing me, the purchase would be some type of organizational bin 😉
Thanks again!!!!
Silly things I don't normally have the $$ to spend but would just like! And glitter!
There are so many good things, that's it's hard to decide. I'd either go for matching book bins (so I can get rid of the non-matching ones) or one of the many things I have circled in their catalog on my desk right now (things I want that I don't have the money for).
There are many things, I would like to buy from Really Good Stuff. I have always wanted the Really Good 4-Way Organizing Shelves™.
Suzanne Horton
There are many things, I would like to buy from Really Good Stuff. I have always wanted the Really Good 4-Way Organizing Shelves™.
Suzanne Horton
I love their bins and baskets!
Mrs. Thigpen's Kindergarten
I would buy baskets.
Book baskets for sure! LOVE Really Good Stuff!
I would buy some organizing shelves. 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!
Sugar and Spice
I love their book boxes. They're so sturdy and have a twistable stand so they won't tip over. Thanks for the fun raffle!
I love their baskets and bins
Baskets would be awesome! I love Good Stuff!
Math and organization stuff!
Crystal Shepherd
[email protected]
Lamppost in a STEM classroom
I need some new bright colored bins!
I would buy a some new colorful bins!
If I won, I would buy more baskets/bins for our new reading program at my school! Also maybe some more pocket charts…my pen circles so much in that catalog! 🙂
Organizational bins/baskets/chair pockets!!! I could spend most of my paycheck on their catalog! (But I resist!) =)
Your puppy is adorable!! 🙂
As for what I'd buy? That's really hard! Pretty much anything from the games & activities section. I know I definitely would love Make-A-Word Center™: 1st 100 Fry Sight Words and the fractions magnets!